Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy:

PROPERLY POSH’D is committed to the provision of quality products and services to you our esteemed customer. This policy is aimed at articulating to you our obligations to you in respect of the management of your personal information received by us because of your use of our services/products.


The content of this website is the exclusive property of PROPERLY POSH’D. It is not to be replicated or used commercially without the express permission from PROPERLY POSH’D.


All logos, trade names and unique identifiers used in this website are the exclusive property/trademark of PROPERLY POSH’D.


Typographical errors:

If products listed on our website is incorrect in anyway be it display error or typographical error or an error in pricing, PROPERLY POSH’D reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order placed and also has the right to refuse or cancel any such orders whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. In the even that your account has been charged for the purchase and the order is cancelled, a credit will be issued to your paying account - such as credit card.

Personal Information and Disclosure:

This can be termed to be that information which identifies an individual such as: Name(s), address, email address, home or business phone number.

The above-mentioned information will only be utilized in aiding the provision of our services/products to you and will not at any time without your consent be shared with a third party unless where compelled by law. In such a case it is done in good faith and in compliance with the law.

Sensitive information:

This can be described as information such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, political affiliations, religion and any such related information. These information is utilized via cookies to collect business and technical statistics to help improve user experience on our website.

Third-party links:

PROPERLY POSH’D will not be held liable for the practices of websites linked to or from our website nor their content thereof.

Policy updates: 

This policy may be changed from time to time to continually ensure it remains abreast with any changes that may occur. Such updates is reflected on our website web they occur.

Update and security of personal information

Your information is important to us and important that it is kept up to date. We will take reasonable steps to ensure your information is protected and up to date.


For any clarification, please contact:

Phone no:9178042294